likes as bullets.
i still engage, from time to time,
in facebook’s debates, believing,
naively so, that my contribution
will be a welcomed building block
as we create a whole picture, a diverse,
full perspective, a human horizon of
experiences and voices, and often,
i have to say ‘i’m not here to fight’
so what am i even doing there?
retreat. retreat. I will never do it again.
i promise myself.
i see the likes received by my, I guess,
opponent, and why do they feel like bullets?
i don’t mind being wrong, i don’t mind being
a lonely soldier at this point, seeing she is
far from home, far from the world she came
from, dreaming of everybody being stripped
of the armor, and as civilians — talk. in peace.
as one. curious of all that everyone brings
to the table and on what they feast.
I don’t mind losing a battle
if I am heard.