what would change if I knew the name of a plant?
passing fields in the northern Vistula valleys
I see various crops, shapes and sizes
of leaves, grain heads
I recognize their necessity
I only suspect their use
I feel urbanized, disconnected
cheated, ignorant
don’t get me wrong, I know some [potatoes, corn]
and I’m still able to enjoy
the sight of the fluffy white flowers
shining in the sun, swinging in the wind
or the yellow ones that look like
pillows for the butterflies
but what would change if I knew their name?
how and when they grow
what type of soil they need
how long are their roots and
what leaves need less or more
water and sun to thrive
would I be kinder? would my vision of
the world be wider? reaching beyond
how I use it, reaching the horizon
of belonging, of sustaining love?
what would change if I knew the name
of a plant?